Ezra Cunningham

Ezra Cunningham
Ezra was an African-American who was one of the first—if not the first—to register African Americans to vote in the South.
Taken from http://www.federationsoutherncoop.com/2007annualreport/staff07.pdf
Ezra Cunningham, a pioneer for civil rights, social justice and the cooperative movement from Beatrice, Alabama, died in December 2006 at the age of 89.
In the 1960’s, Cunningham was active in civil rights and voter registration. He helped to organize the Southwest Alabama Farmers Cooperative (SWAFCA), a ten county armers marketing and supply cooperative to serve Black farmers based in Selma.
Cunningham was a founding member of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives in 1967 and signed its Articles of Incorporation on behalf of SWAFCA. From then, he had a lifelong commitment to the Federation and the cooperative movement for Black and poor people in the state. He was on staff of the Southern Cooperative Development Program and the Federation from 1967 to 1995; and a volunteer from 1995 until his death.
For most of his life, he was Coordinator of the Alabama State Association of Cooperatives, assisting cooperatives and credit unions, including the Freedom Quilting Bee, SWAFCA, Panola Land Buying Association, Claiborne Catfish Co-op, Beat 10 Action Committee, West Alabama Farmers Co-op, Browntown Farmers Co-op and many others.
He also assisted residents of Beatrice in an environmental justice fight to clean up a cancer causing creasole. He pushed through the Alabama Council for Human Relations for more Black History courses in schools and more Black History books in school libraries.

Freedom, Oh Freedom
Honoring Ezra Cunningham
Freedom, Oh Freedom
I want to grow
Up to be old
To be the dream I dream
I want to teach
I want to reach
Up to be all I can be
Freedom, Oh Freedom!
Can you imagine that?
Freedom, Oh Freedom!
Can you imagine that?
To make a job
Not just take a job
To love the work I do
With love from me to you
To lift up your voice
To shout and sing
Until earth and heaven rings
With harmony
With liberty
From sea to shining sea
Take pride in yourself
Believe in yourself
Take pride in yourself
You got to have faith (2x)
Let Freedom Ring
Words & music by Larry Long
Copyright Larry Long 1995 / BMI
Words & music by Larry Long
Inspired by Ezra Cunningham and students of Beatrice Elementary School
Produced by Larry Long & J.D. Steele
Choral Director: J.D. Steele
Featured Vocalists: The Freedom Choir (Cameron Hughes, Dawn L,. McArthur, Aimee Bryant, Robert Robinson, TCC Gospel Choir, CitySongs)
Musicians: Billy Steele: Piano, Paul Johnson: Bass,
Kirk Johnson: Percussion, Mike Scott : Guitar
Copyright Larry Long 1995 / BMI
Recording Engineer: Chris Langer, Angel Beach Studio, Minneapolis, Minnesota